Født / Born
Køn/ Sex
Farve / Colour
Hofter / Hips
A /A
Albuer/ Elbows
0 /0
Øjne / Eyes
PRA, HC & RD fri - Dec. 2020 ▪ OptiGen normal/clear/ PRA, HC & RD clear - Dec. 2020 ▪ OptiGen normal/clear
normal/ clear / normal/ clear
normal/ clear / normal/ clear
normal/ clear (via forældre) / normal/ clear (by parentage)
Nasal parakeratose/ Nasal parakeratose
normal/ clear / normal/ clear
Udstilling/ Shows
Danmark/ Denmark
2 x BIM-hvalp/ 2 x BOS puppy
2 x Exc. 2. vinder i junior klassen m/ CK + resv. junior certifikat/ 2 x Exc. 2nd winner in junior class with resv. junior CC
2 x Exc. 1. vinder i junior klassen m/ CK + junior certifikat/ 2 x Exc. 1st winner in junior class with junior CC
Exc. 1. vinder i åben klasse m/ CK/ Exc. 1st winner in open class with CC-quality
2 x 4. bedste han/ 2 x 4th best dog
Sverige/ Sweden
- / -
Markprøver/ Trials & tests
Brugsprøve/ Working Certificate
Bestået/ Passed
Markprøve C/ Inofficial field trial test (cold game)
-/ -
Markprøve B/ Official field trial test (cold game)
2 x 2. præmie i begynder kl. / 2 x 2nd price in beginner class
Kvalifikationsprøve/ DRK Field Qualification
- / -
DRK Debutant Test/DRC Debutant Test
Excellent / Excellent
DRK Working Test Beginner/DRC Working Test Beginner
Bestået / Passed
Nose Work prøve/ Nose Work test
6 x 2. præmie i klasse 1 / 6 x 2. price in class 1
5 x 1. præmie i klasse 1 / 5 x 1. price in class 1
Nose Work 1 GULD / Nose Work 1 GOLD
4 x 2. præmie i klasse 2 / 3 x 2. price in class 2
2 x 1. præmie i klasse 2 / 1 x 1. price in class 2
3. bedste team i klasse 2 / 3rd best team in class 2
2. bedste team i klasse 2 / 2nd best team in class 2
Opdrætter: Melicmark v/Bolette Heering
Stamtavle/ Pedigree
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